The SHEA Guideline Approach
A highly promising new strategy to help prevent and control hospital acquired infections is the use of “Active Surveillance Cultures” (ASCs) to screen patients for otherwise hidden nasal carriage of MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus).
ASC, in conjunction with “Contact Isolation" of known and suspected colonized or infected patients + Vigilant Hand Hygiene is known as “The SHEA Guideline Approach”.
When hospitals insist on universal compliance by its staff, The SHEA Guideline Approach leads to a significant reduction of morbidity and associated healthcare costs.
The SHEA Guideline Approach is authored by Carlene A. Muto; MD, John A Jernigan, MD, MS; Belinda E. Ostrowsky, MD, MPH; Herve’ M. Richet, MD; William R. Jarvis, MD; John M. Boyce, MD and Barry M. Farr, MD, MSc.